Saturday, May 26, 2012

My Trail Diet

     So I thought I would let you all know just a little of what I eat while I'm out on the trail. Just to make it clear a lot of the time I have to keep in mind how many calories something has, is it going to be too heavy to carry and will it last without needing to be refrigerated.
     I usually start my morning off with something easy like a pop tart or a cliff bar, something I can eat on the go. I like to be able to get up and hit the trail as soon as I'm packed up. Usually throughout the day I keep a few snacks at easy access on my hip belt such as peanut m&ms, twizzlers, goldfish or fritos honey bbq twists. For lunch I usually do some sort of extra sharp cheddar cheese and summer sausage. It tends to be that the sharper the cheese the longer it lasts without refrigeration. I usually wrap the sausage and cheese up in a tortilla or put them on ritz crackers that I get in the small fresh packs as they call them. Then for dinner I usually eat some kind of Knorr pasta side, mac and cheese, or ramen. Pretty much some kind of pasta. Then I eat a candy bar for dessert. That is pretty much my diet so you can see how hikers are always craving real food all the time and eat so much when they come into town. I just thought I would share my diet, and I know that y'all might think its a little weird but unless you have someone dehydrating foods for you at home and mailing them to you this is pretty much every hikers diet out here.

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