Wednesday, June 27, 2012

June 27

It feels a little weird to have crossed the mason dixon line and now ill be in the north for the next few months. I think it will be pretty interesting to see if we will get as much hospitality from people in the north as we have in the south. I hit the official halfway point of the trail a couple days ago. It seems so crazy to think how long I have been doing this and just now hitting the halfway point. PA is supposed to be pretty rocky however also flat. I've come across a little bit of the rocky and have now been walking through some farmland which is a really nice change of scenery. We arrived in Boiling Springs a couple nights ago and met up with some friends of Robert and Dianne Hall. Jim and Marcia Compton took us in to their beautiful property and I was able to spend my birthday completely relaxed. I was able to sleep in and wake up in a real bed and try all kinds of their homemade wines. Everything they made us to eat pretty much came from their garden and it was all delicious. After dinner we then got to go raspberry picking through their yard and we were able to fill about 4 gallon sized buckets full of raspberries. Its been a great time here and a really nice place to spend my birthday. Well time to get back on the trail, I'm looking forward to hiking through some more farmland today.
-Turbo Zero


  1. Matt - looks like you are off to a good start as far as crossing the Mason Dixie line and experiencing good hospitality. Glad you had a great birthday. You know I was 24 when I married your mom. How does that put things in perspective for you? Your Uncle D turned 50 today!

    Love Dad

  2. glad you had a great BD, looking forward to seeing you at the wedding .That is going to be a busy week for me, Kim & I are fling to Bozeman, MT on Sun. and back here on Tues. to find a house. Granpa is staying here your cousins. Dewitt has started his job there. then on thur. we willbe in VA. love U. grandma
