Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Day 2

Today was a great day! We saw tons of great views today and even got a great picture of buzzards for buzzy. We ended up hiking an additional 7-8 miles than what our planned day was, so about 16 miles today.
We met a few awesome people today one awesome guy in particular that seemed to be going our pace and was planning on stopping at the same place as us to camp. His name is Footloose. He seems to really click well with jack and I. He taught us how to play yuker and we invited over the prettiest girl we have seen on the trail yet. She seemed pretty cool and its too bad we probably wont see her again anytime soon after tonight because she is not at our same pace.
The one bad thing that happened today was that the food I made last night had a good dose of vegetable oil in it thanks to jack. It was a little too much and I ended up feeling really bloated all night and couldn't sleep past 330am. I got him back though because he was behind me most of the hike and walked into all of gas traps I left for him.
We go to our first hostile tomorrow but will probably only end up staying for lunch because we have another 5 miles atleast to hike after that to feel productive. At the hostile we will be able to eat a few hot dogs and mail home any of the gear we don't need so we are pretty excited to get there.


  1. "Turbo" is definitely Matt. Nice work outsmarting the older sibling. I've committed my life to doing just the same.

    This reminds me of Tenacious D's "Prettiest Girl in the Room"...

    Keep up the good progress :D

    1. "Prettiest girl in the Room" is by Flight of the Conchords

    2. Right... I'm confusing my sarcastic artists!

  2. how is the weather. love you 2. grandma

  3. Thanks for the updates guys! Loving reading them! What are you thinking about sending back home?
